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Im Suaidah I do what i like and i like what i do





September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010

Thursday, November 27, 2008

My legs are aching right now.
Haha. Like old woman seh.
Oh well..

Actually i wanted to update yesterday, but i was too tired.
Sarah and I went to the Town to look for our prom stuff.
& we also jobhunt.(the jobhunt part was unplanned btw)
So we went to intervieww! Haha.
It was SCARY and funny alsoo.
I really dont mind wat kind of job i'll get(but of course not the inapropriate one la).
So yesterday went to interview to get a job at WATSON.
So yahh, for those who are interested too..
maybe you can try your luck.
Go at the peninsula area there, then look for a building called 'Adelphi' -level 8.
(If im not wrong. Hahaha)
Its 'walk-in interview' btw.
So after Sarah & I filled in our particulars in the form,
Sarah wanted me to be interviewed first.
Haha, so yah.
It was scary, as tho you're taking your oral for Olevels.

So after both of us completed our 'interviewing session',
that lady said that she will call us if she wants us to work.
But i doubt she will call us.
At least we try.
Sooo... for those who wanna try,
The interviewer is a lady, & she looks fierce like a hungry lion.
When she's interviewing you, she will stare at you.
She will just wait for your reply, even if you dont know what to say.
And then, if you cannot hear her and ask her to repeat, she will frownn..
right sarah?

Haha, merepek sia.

What else..
Oh ya, actually i have to go to Sarah's house today at 2pm.
All Escapes(except for nadiah and nurul), were already there.
I promised Afiqah and Erma to meet at 1.30 at whitesand,
but i woke up at 1.15pm.
Its NOT my fault, blame my coughing medicine i ate the night before,
which made me sleepy and drowsy.
Thats why i hate medicine.
Sorry ehh guys. :(
I miss you guys btw.
So SINCE i kinda overslept, i decided not to go to Sarah's house at all.
Just imagine, Simei and Sengkang are not nearr.
By the time i reach there, they probably want to go home alrdy.
So yah. :(

I miss school alrdy.

4:13 PM

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Im currently listening to my parent's discussion abt the KL trip.
Looks like they cannot make up their mind, whether to go there by car or follow on a tour.
Nvm, anything will do.
i'll just follow the flow.
As long as I get to go on a holidayy.
:D :D
Speaking of KL, Nurul's already in KL right now.
Omggg so fun! & Im so jealous. Although it's just KL, not somewhere so fantastic,
but stiLLL...
Have fun there nurul!
Have a safe journey eh!

Anywayyy, im chatting with my pri6 classmates now!
We're planning to organize a reunion.
Yay! 6D reunion!
But, everyone do not want & DO NOT KNOW how to organise.
Bbq will be abit troublesome, collecting $$$ all that.
Picnic will also be troublesome, who wants to bring the food?
Shld we go out then eat somewhere together??
Then talktalktalk? thats alll?
Seriously man, idk how to organise!
Someone help me plssssssssssss

i think im crazyy.

11:09 PM

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Im back from class chalet.
Overall, it was aweesomee.

1st day:
Reached the chalet place at 6+pm.
(Its located at Changi btw)
We tried to finish up all the satays, chickens, crabsticks, etc on the 1st day
coz according to them, the charcoal was not enough for the next day.
So Sarah and i helped Chunsheng and Fathur to barbecue.
It was funny, chunsheng and Fathur dont want me and Sarah to kpo2 there,
coz they want to discuss about their future together.
Haha whatever.
"Ya, we're husband and wife," they said, among themselves.

Umairah, Nadiah and Basirah slept earlier then Sarah and i.
So thats when the fun started!
We went to the guys room and played Edwin's laptop together.
Idk whose idea was it, they viewed someone's friendster,
ermm... he/she is a gay.
Smth like that. Haha idk la
Then me, krystel, sarah & wilson viewed people's blog.
Look at the pictures all that.
It was 3+am that time.
But we were still awake, not sleepy at all.
Idk what time the rest slept,
but Sarah and i slept at 4am(ard there),
and woke up at 6+am.

2nd day:
Nth much.
Played a few games with the chinese girls.
Played 'concentration', 'om-om', 'bang bang',...
and the combination of all the 3games.
Hahaha i bet u guys never heard of it rightttt!
Thats the cool thing abt 4/10.
All the games made me kanchiong like nobody's business.
Really really kanchiong la,
dont know how to describe.
I forgotten what i ate on the 2nd day.
Hmm..hah nvm la.
at 4+pm Basirah wanted to go home. ;c
after basirah went home, umairah also wanted to go home. ;c
after umairah went home, nadiah also wanted to go home. :c
That was the time i got abit sad.
I travelled allll the way from my house to this chalet,
carrying all the heavy2 things for 3days 2night,
& they wanted to go home on the 2nd day.
Then AGAIN left me and sarah... bff! haha.
So we bond with fadly and suffian.
HaHAhaAhaHA .
Played alphabet game, and some other game idk wat is it called.
We have to imitate someone and they have to guess who.
ya, smth like that.

& Nadiah, was kind enough to come back to the chalet to sleep 1 more night there.
Yay nadiah!
If she didnt come back, we will all go home, fyi.
Just imagine, its pathetic, only have sarah and i in the room later at night.
Haha.okaaaaay wth sounds wrong.
b4 we slept, we got some girls talk with the chinese girls.
Hmm.. now i know everything alrdy. *winkwink*
Then they wanted to go to Changi village.
nadiah, sarah and i were to lazy to follow them.
We promised them to think of a game to play together when they came back frm Changi village.
But when they returned, we sleep alrdy.
Sorry yeah.

3rd day:
Only left a few people in the chalet.
So sarah, nadiah and i decided to go home too.
Sarah and i woke up first, while nadiah still sleeping.
so while waiting, we played edwin's iPhone with Suffian.
Oh, and they taught me how to play mahjong before i went home!
Yay, mahjong mahjong!
Haha okaaay.
b4 we left, i ate this dessert made by Fathur's mum.
Quite nice.
no no. Very nice!
and sooo we went homee.. goodbyee to whoever slept there 1more night!

Thats about it.
Since i've transfered the pics to my comp, i think i shld upload it here.

With jolene's specs thingy. (:

At night.

That time, we're playing cluedo.

Mahjong mahjong.

Thank god i brought my camera along.

The 5 pics above, Fadly said he likes my camera.
So he snap a lot of pictures of HIMSELF (some of them with his friends).
He took a total of 132 pics btw.
Poooor camera.

The 3 pics above were the funniest moment throughout the 3days i think..!!
I set my camera to 10shots self-timer.
You know, posing seducingly????
I deleted 7 of them coz its sooo OMG!
Its really funny.
Actually there's alot lot lot lot more pics, but it might take a long time to upload all of them here.
Soooo.. for the time being, i think this is enough.
I love my classmates.
I love 4/10.
MY class is the best! Damn you if you say urs is better.

1:56 AM

Friday, November 14, 2008


Went to Jurong Swimming Complex with Sarah, Nurul, Erma & Afiqah,
which is 5/8 of the escapes members.
It was FUNNN!
They went there to swim, I went there to..

Now i know how security guards feel.
Oh well, its was partly my fault.
It was MAINLY my fault
I didnt even bring any clothes or swimsuit.
Reason was, lazy to look for it.
I didnt even get to feel the water in the pool,
except the part where i pulled afiqah's leg when Sarah and Erma was teaching her how to swim.
YES, teaching afiqah HOW TO SWIM.
i mean, swim backwards aka backstrokes(according to sarah).
Sooo afiqah, secret is out.

Then ate KFC after that.
I spilt pepsi on my pants
the 4 of them just watch and laugh,
didnt even give me any tissue!
i was the one who had to ask for it!
mm.. thats what friends are for, right? Haha.

& i spent $9.50 on FOOD today.
maybe you think its no big deal,
but i hate it. seriously.
i hate to spend my money on food. :(
i will never do that again(hopefully).

I was also the photographer of the day. (:

Teaching afiqah how to swim.


10:52 PM

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Guess what?!
Didnt go Bugis at all yesterday.
Went to TM and other Tamp area with Afiqah and Sarah instead.
We did some so-called hardcore shopping at ________ .
*wink to Sa & Af* Haha.
Yeah, figure it out yourself.

& I bought WaterGun! :D
Chalet chalet here i come.
Woooh. (:

Btw yesterday(actually its not yesterday, its a few days ago i cant remember when), smth funny happened. You know, i have this long sleeve tshirt which i neverr wear it before.
Firstly, its BIG.
Secondly, the
design. Walauweh. Not nice at all. Haha.
Im not sure how it ended up staying in my closet.

So anyway, i decided to wear the oh-so-BIG-&-ugly-tee to sleep that night. Haha. Then.. when i switched off all the lights, something was just not right. Its like..my room was still quite bright even though all lights were off(except for the dim nightlight which makes no difference). Then I started to realise that...

the design on the shirt is
glow in the dark!

Err.. okay. I make it sound like.. 'so what' kind. You shld look at the shirt then you'll know what i mean. I dont want to describe it coz im too embarrass. Haha. Idk how to describe la actually. So after i found out that its glow in the dark, my jaws dropped and i fell on my knees. Haha exaggerating. I felt so 'obit' at that point in time. But come to think of it, its quite cool la.Go ask around who wear long sleeve glow in the dark shirt to sleep. Surely im the only one. Haha.

Skali everybody wear eh! Hah.

3:09 PM

Monday, November 10, 2008

I almost forgotten that there's Science Paper1 tmr.
Thanks to someone, who wrote '1more paper to goooo' on her msn pm. Haha.
But there's nothing to worry about, because its only MCQ qns. & I THINK im already mentally prepared for it.All those F=ma, V=RI, power= workdone/time are still fresh in my mind, I THINK.
Howeverr, I know that i shldnt be overconfident and my mind shldnt be in this oh-I-know-everything-already kind of mood.

Gonna meet up Escapes at 2.30pm soon(its 12.01pm now btw), to discuss about our plans and outings, specific dates and all that.
Yess, we're veeeery organise (:
& im planning to force at least 2 of them to accompany me to Bugis to get smth.

Maybe Nurul and Afiqah
Maybe Sarah and Haniz
Maybe Haniz and Camelia
Maybe Erma and Sarah
Maybe Nurul and Erma
Maybe Nadiah and Nurul
Or maybe Camelia and Afiqah --whoah this one very bad combination. Hahaha jk la.

Whoever la, i dont mind.
But the more the merrier. :D
If none of them want to accompany me, then... :'(
Nvm, I think i can do it. Thank god there's smth called forcing and threatening.. and maybe killing. Hahah

p/s: I think there's smth wrong with my weighing scale.

11:54 AM

Friday, November 7, 2008


1 more paper to go, then olvls finally overr! :D

Soo speaking of olvls, .sigh. the papers were sucha killer. Even Amaths, my favourite subject, it was not easy. Gahh.
& i thougth MT was easy-pitzy, but when i check with Cikgu Nora, my answers are mostly wrong. Haha. She even told me that my letter writing is somehow out of point. :(
The rest.. no comment.
Nvm la, over alrdy.

On a brighter notee, i cant wait for chaletsssss !
There are 3 chalets that i got to attend.

1st, Haniz's birthday chalet. [btw, tdy is 7/11, soo happy 16th birthday Haniz!!] :D.
2nd, chalet with p10 clique + some 4/10s + escapes + some other clique im not sure who
3rd, class chalet

Yay! At least theres smth to look forward to. After 1+month of studying & memorizing formulas.
Btw, fenglin called me,(aka the representative of escapes) hahaha.
She told me abt the chalet with p10 & all. And the theme is...


Their semangat-ness make me fell excited-er. Haha.
Waytheby, when Fenglin called me that day, she said smth like this.

"Hello suaidah. This is Fenglin, you & ur escapesss,(i heard some laughter frm the backgrd) are invited to the p10 chalet next thurs."

p10 vs ESCAPES huh?!
Laii ahh.
Okay thats lame. Hah.

11:32 PM