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Im Suaidah I do what i like and i like what i do





September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Okay so firstly, my comp thought its funny not to let me go to any blogs including mine.
urggghhhhh! idk why.
i can go to any websites except those webs which ends with ".blogspot.com"
Tsk! weird.
But nvm, its okay now.
Just sometimes, shit happens.

anw today is VOTE EARTH DAY so since no one was at home except for me & my sister,
we decided to go to the nearest mall which is Eastpoint.
and unexpectedly there was a performance outside eastpoint which i think like WOWW!
it was dark (remember, vote earth day??) so the performance was like those in circus,
like using fire stick and alll.
okay it looks smth like thisss

pics taken from the net btw. heheh.

okay so as we were watching the so called happening performance,1 of them was happily dancing and swinging that fire-rod and it actually tercampak(accidentally thrown) at the audience there -.-""

but phew, nth happened. (dammit. :D hehe.)
and the music beat was soo catchy.

there was also a performance by a percussion band.
but by the time the crowd was getting smaller and smaller.
hahah. pooor them.
but my sister and i stayed because our home sweet home is justtt nearby.
so yay!
percussion performance was fun tooo
most performers were malay guys

fyi it was dark and the percussion band played well & loud
i feel like in a mini pub.
padahal pub dont have anyting like that eh.


i saw this malay teenage guy wearing a skyrunner at Eastpoint!
attention-seeker or whatttt.
but still, cooolio

skyrunner looks smth like that, fyi (:

10:58 PM

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Pic taken at KL last yearrrrrr :(
been a long time since i last stepped out of singapore sehh
anyone going oversea pls bring me along

Yesterday was my dad's birthday.

H A P P Y B I R T H D A Y ! !

so we went out to have dinner together, dad's treat! hahah.
"if everyday is my birthday i can go bankrup seh!" he said.
hahah! Omg! tak sincere seh! tsk!
(like father like daughter. haha. no eh!)

But anyway thanks for the treat yesterday!
Even tho you are the one who paid for breakfast/lunch/brunch/dinner/etc most of the time during fam outing.
but yesterday was abit special coz its your birthday! :D

i love you birthday-man!
birthday-boy sounds weird seh if i use it now. haha.
"ehhh birthday boy!" mum said.
hahah! crack me up seh.
sounds funny, and weird, and...okay nvm.

And just now i was training myself to be a useful daughter by helping my mum to cut some lime into half.
Then, i accidentally sliced my finger.
the combination of the wounded finger and some droplets of lime is...... wow

so moral of the story : dont be a useful daughter.
hahaha! nolah. joking okay.

10:51 PM

Saturday, March 21, 2009

So today my sister and i wanted to go to Singapore Expo to check out if there's any sales going on.
But before that, we have to wait for my brother because he was otw home with the family car.
We wanted to go to expo by car so no matter what, we still have to wait for my bro.
And fyi, my brother sprained his ankle so he's limping and walk like a pregnant lady right now.
Okay thats not the point, we waited for 15mins(or maybe more) for him but he didnt turn up.
And a few mins later, he called and told us that he met with an accident.
He said "tak terok laaaa. dont worry." ("not serious laaa. dont worry")
But he came back with dented, disfigured, half-broken, squashed, smashed car! Wth!

Just imagine, that Ferrari car suddenly looks like Mitsubitshi?!?!
hahaha k nolah.

Dad alrdy told him not to drive until his leg fully recover.
But my bro being the most stubborn person on earth, he ignored it.
Idk what to say.
It was my bro who caused the accident fyi. 3 cars was involved. urrghhhh
He was speeeeding. grrr.
i can imagine seh. he always thought that he's participating in F1 race.
if im in the car when he's driving, i can feel the my heartbeat beating fast. haha.
And he got a gooood delicious scolding from dad. obviously.
This house gonna explode sooon.

Who gonna pay for all the cars he hit?!? -.-"

Nth happened to my brother, so thank god.
But still, the car is not okay and $1000++ is lost.
Thanks bro.

My sis and i couldnt take the noise at home so we went to TM and eat at Swensens.
She bought for me famous amos again, but this time i bought a cookie which i havent tried b4.
And awww i dont like it.
so i kept it & gave it to my brother at home. hahah.

"i told him to drive carefully and stop speeding!! Then now how?!? Who gonna pay?!? ME! hmph. grrr. pffft. tsk. urghhh!"

Okaaay okaay okay dad we get the point!

dad's birthday is in 2 days time.
what to buyyyyyyy?

11:24 PM

Thursday, March 19, 2009

coooooolllll righht??
make me wanna fly like those eagles in the sky.
hahaha! feeling eh.
Yesterday night i couldnt sleep well because i do not close my door properly.
And it was moving to and fro by itself. :s
I know it was because of the wind la.
It WAS because of the wind. hopefullyyy :s
The thing is, there was a hanger at my doorknob so the door couldnt close properly.
err understand?
so my door kept opening and closing and loudddddd bang was heard for quite a number of times.
scary okayy.
i pretended to sleep under my blanket. haha :/
At least if the hanger wasnt there, there would just be 1 loudLOUDD bang and the door will close shut.
So yea, yesterday night was kind of scary & irritating.
i got shocked alot of times.
i wanted to remove that hanger and just shut my door but i dont dare to do so. :s
i've switched off all lights btw.
Somehow some scenes from 'coming soon' haunt me yesterday night. haha.
I swear i can die on the spot if i saw chaba.
(the ghost from coming soom is called chaba btw. haha! or is it chomba? smth like that :D)
I even thought that yesterday was my last day on earth.
hahah okaaayyyy the last sentence is not true.
but seriously, yesterday night was scaryyyyy.
lesson learnt: never hang your hanger at your doorknob :D
Just in case you all are wondering(which i dont think so),
the free phone i got yesterday is Samsung L700.
& i dont really like it. im not using it

Nothing happened today so i have nothing to blog abt.

11:01 PM

Monday, March 16, 2009

(due to some reasons,1 pic from my previous post had been removed. haha. sheesh!)

If you're a booooring person, then its good to chat with someone fun.
If you're a fun person, then its good to entertain the boooring ones.
And if you're bored, then its fun to chat with someone fun!


so chatting with Audi just now wass funnn.
we tried to use as many rhymes as possible while talking/chatting.
which is not easy okaayy.
but we're quite good at it, eh audi? eh eh eh?

its all because off thisss simple sentence he created,

"ri ri ri, dah bleh berdiri?!"

then both got terbawak2 and we go on and oooonn
(most of them are in malay. soooooooooo...... :/ sorry. )

(not clear at all seh. haha. click it!)


there's alot more, this is jussstt some of them. haha.
nonsense eh? but fun okayy.
YOU should try.

Hang your clothes to let it dry, i think you should try.

cool eh?

its 3.26am right now and actually i have to sleep early because im going out with my brother tmr to Singtel shop, i think, to set my phone to unlimited text.
which means every single sms-es i send will be free-of-charge.
& they said i can choose some new phone and get it for free. but idk. tmr i'll see.

if i get a good phone, i'll brag.
if not, i'll keep quiet.

spongebob had a friend called sandy, omg merepek nye audi!

11:58 PM

Just came back from TM,
and i watched thisssssssssss...

A movie called COMING SOON.

its a horror movie, scaaaaaaaary :/ plus some suspence. & maybe A BIT of funny. A BIT only.
but the storyline all that is SERIOUSLY good.
worth watching!
i think its really3 a good movie. you know why?
because i watched it for freee!
hahha! nolah! thats not the reason.
its a non-boring show, so go watch it.

and just a few tips to share, dont watch it online or just buy the CD(if they sell it)
you SHLD watch it at the cinema itself.
HAHA. mcm phm eh.
but seriously, watch it and you'll get what i mean.
coz most of the scenes happened at a cinema area, so yea
im not gonna explain in detail (;

its NC16 btw, so Afiqah! you cant watch it!
Camelia also!
hahha! jooooking k. ;)

oh ya, thx to my sister who paid for everything! $$$$
she bought for me my contact lens too! $$$$
and also cookies from famous amos! $$$$
and two T-shirts! $$$$

okay speaking of famous amos, i just dont understand la!
ermm.. how to say.
i was walking at Parkway with my sister and she asked me whether i want some cookies from famous amos.
So i said yes. haha.
And after she bought it for ME (haha awww), she gave the whole packet to me.
So while eating, haha, i kept offering some to her. of course la, who wouldnt right??

Well, maybe if im Nurul then its a different story. hhahha!

okay back to the point, i kept offering her, BUT she refused to take!
i mean, just oneeeeeee???
okay she ate abt err 3? 4? in total. idk la.
and soooooooooo i kept offering her every minute andddd,
i got scolded!
she said im irritating okay.

i mean, just take a few more laaaaa. haha.
okay fine, im nt forcing her to eat even tho she dont feel like eatingg,
BUT.... haha okay la stop it.

next time if i offer you anything you must take okay?!

12:23 AM

Friday, March 13, 2009

colourful sehhhh.
i like

My bus journey just now was sooo not pleasant.
Firstly, it was very crowdedd.
Secondly, i was standing exactly in front of the exit door. so just imagine how many "excuse me"s i had to hear.
Thirdly, i witnessed this irritating teenage girl who is so called inconsiderate.

Okay so lets focus on the third point.
hahah cheyy
ok anw this irritating teenage girl (or maybe I.T.G for short. haha) was sitting on one of the two-seater seats.
she was sitting on the outside part.
errrr... haha how to explain :/
okay i rephrase.
she was sitting on a seat where she could easily get out..??
:/ understand?? hahahh okay this is hardddd mann.
okay SOOOOO... there was no one sitting beside her and therefore this auntie wanted to sit at that vacant seat.
so instead of moving in, she just moved aside and let that auntie move in to the seat.
which is nth wrong la, becoz sometimes i did that also. haha
but the bus was crowded so its not as easy as it may sound okay.

hahhha i still havent go to the main point seh!

okay to cut the story short, that I.T.G made the "TSK" sound plus some eye-rolling & frowning while that auntie trying her best to squeeeze and made her way to the seat.
irritating tssiaaa
just move in laa for awhile. haiyooo. its crowded sehh!
so inconsiderateee.. make things difficult for the auntie.
it was not only "TSK" btw.
it was "TSKTSKTSK"

ermm... its none of my business actually.
i just find it irritating so yea
if i were the auntie, that girl is long gone!

and guess what??
that auntie alighted a few stops later!
auntie ni pon satu,
make people angry only!

im $2 richer today coz i found a $2 note at the carpark.
soooooo anyone, wanna go shopping with me?!?!
okaayy. bullshit.

for a non-working ppl like me, maybe you'll know how 2bucks can change the world.
Right Erma? Audi?? Nadiahanwar ???

(you better agree with me eh!! if not, embarrasing ah. But actually i disagree with myself...
but i still want you to agree with me eh...! OKAAAAAYY! :/ hahha. another bullshit.)


For working people like.....
urghhh whateeverrrrrrr
hahhaha jealous eh

And why is everything else more important than me!

1:36 AM

Wednesday, March 11, 2009



nothing much happened lately.
in fact, nothing happened lately!

anyway, i just received a letter from TP.
and its actually a letter that i submitted!
i got it back because i forgotten to sign at this one part.
hahah, selenger eh

and all this while i thought im the first one to submit everything!

so which means, i have to buy 1 more new envelope.

*covers face with palms and cries*

Escapes, i miss you all very much seh!

& i miss 4/10!

why oh why must we get separateddd!
hahah, dramatic.
but seriously, i misss coralites *winkwink*


i ate 11 chewing gums today

(and i thought its cool! hahahha! nolah! :D)

1:47 AM

Sunday, March 8, 2009

I went out two times today, with family
for Lunch and Dinner.
because sunday is a special day.
Its Mum's-Not-Cooking-Day.

& when we were in the car,
my fam were talking abt the past,
as in, when i was a toddler and so on.
and i get to know thaaattt... (its a sad story btw. haha)
when i was 3-4years old, i got lost!

in a "coolest" place called MARKET!

my father searched for me everywhere! (thats what he said la -.-")
for ONE freaking HOUR!! (thats what he said also)
shows that they didnt take good care of me seh!
i feel sooooooo... hurt, sad, disappointed, angry, shocked
after hearing the story.
andd, guess where he found me?

At a "coolest" spot called nyonya's arm!

okay la, not nyonya. Its auntie.
the auntie found me and carried me.
i wonder where will i be now if they failed to look for me.

itsss... very sad okay.

i finally get to eat at pizza hut after craving for it for quite some time.
thank to my sister.

11:47 PM

Friday, March 6, 2009

Went out with Aisyah tdy.
(my bestfriend when i was young and cute. hahaha! :P)

It was really3 a last minute plan seh!
we were chatting at 2+/3+am and i get to know that she's going to her medical checkup alone.
so kesian right?
and soo Suaidah came to her rescueee.
okaaaaaaay! haha!

and i brought along MY diary that i told her to write 8 years ago.
funnyyy shittt. seriously! haha

(especially her signature. HAHA :P)

so after 5 years of not seeing each other, we finally did.

and we went to t3 for medical checkup.
and watched some aeroplanes like a jakon.
and ate at McDonalds.
and took the skytrain to idk where.
main follow je eh.

but it wass FUN!
right aisyah, right right right!

Okay so thats all abt tdy.
ouh! and i saw syafawani's younger sister.
Wani, if youre reading this, ur sister recognized me btw.

i have some photos below.

whatever aisyahhh.
*roll eyes*

her biodata!
her cacat biodata!
her cacat biodata with ugly signature!
jk la!

not ready okaayy

And just now i heard a sad saddd true story.


9:57 PM

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Random old pics.
aloooott of funny things happened during that outing eh nurul!
shld blog abt it 1 day.
*wink at nurul & camm*
~roll on a red carpet~
HAHAHHA! (inside joke!)

Just came back from GIANT.
A boring-monotonous-not so fun trip i think.

Anyway, i saw a girl riding a big bike just now.
stylo miloooo ;)
But the bike is bigger than her.
Cool shit seh!
I wantttt!
Soooo.. if i got my licence, who want to tompang me?!?!
hospital bills will not be provided.

Okay next thing.
idk why, but i THINK im beginning to like cats.
somehow reminds me of Afiqah.
Even when a cat is still farrr farr away from her, she will run like nobody's business :/
what.... the.............HELL!
hahaha :P
afiqah i miss you seh :( where have you been. urgh. haizzz :'(

oh ya, which also reminds me the time when some of the Escapes & i,
we were walking back home from school and saw this black cat lying on the ground, with its tongue out.
So i confidently told them that the cat is dying.
Then they looked at it and they agreed.
Feeling a lil bit sad throughout the journey. (i think. haha)

And the next day, we saw the same cat walking ard still standing STRONG!
Still in good condition!
no sign of sickness at all!


embarrasing seh!
pandai2 aje! (anyhow only!)
luckily they agreed with me when i said the cat was dying. haha!

Okay back to my story, i THINK im beginning to like cats.
there's this cute cat always following me at my void deck.
idk why.
If im Afiqah confrm da pengsan.
actually im afraid of cats too la.
ive never touch a cat before (i think)

shhh! dont tell afiqah!
okaaaaaaaay. :s

and just now i took a fish from my kitchen (haha!) and gave it the that cat.
hahah, extra.
skali mati kene food poisoning eh!

11:24 PM

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Fyi, im not full recover yet seh!
I feel like drinking the whole bottle of coughing medicine.
Or gulping the whole container of plain water till my stomach burst.

@%# !!

Anyway, i challenged singing with my sister yesterday!
It was HILARIOUS, seriously!
There's a website, where you can sing, and they'll give your voice a score.
So yeah, we tried that!
Haha! Embarrasing but fun.
So we sang, and pretended to sing good!
& even tried to correct each other's...erm... "pitching".


Seriously funny.
Both macam paham.
And my sister thinks that the score is reliable because she scored a lil bit higher than me for this one song.
Haha, watever.
And i also think that the score is reliable because i scored a lil bit higher than her for another song.
Hahaha! Another watever.

Wanted my bro to join in but he was busy on the phone.

Wasted opportunity!!
How to show-off our hidden talent like that?!?!?!?!
Hahah! shiok sendiri pulak.

So thats abt it.
( now you know why it was raining heavily with lightnings yesterday. HAHAH. oppss! )

Tui pu chi.

If you realise, most of my posts lately are abt my siblings.
(i just realised it actually. haha :D)
Its because school have not started so somehow i have ''more time to spend with them''.
Which is fun, i think.
Maybe except when they start to "tag team" wtv shit.
Then things become........................... violent.
*show fangs*

But seriously.

My bro's muscles do not scare me in any way!

Maybe this is no-big-deal.
But so what.
I was in the car with my family and my dad drove at idk what road and there was alot of Camelia!

hahaha nolah.

There was alot of Monkeys!
all small monkeys (mostly) , very cute seh!!!
I saw one of them hugging its mum and the mum was running away from another monkey,
alah, cuteeeeeee!!
you shld have seen it.

Erm, okay.
Just in case I sound FAKE and Unreliable, i have a few pics of the monkeys.
But i will just upload one here.


To those who like to go to the zoo very much, i suggest you go here. Haha!
But the place is..erm... quite forest-y tau!
So i suggest you go at night.

you cant feed the monkeys, but you may do it secretly. hehe

11:12 PM