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Im Suaidah I do what i like and i like what i do





September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

EEEEEEEE im having a feverr.

11:16 PM

Saturday, July 25, 2009

I think miracles DO happen,
the Cathay Cinema office thingy called me and told me they found my camera.
So there's no need to tell my sister anything,
step like there's nothing happen to her beloved camera.
Really thanks to them for being so honest.
thankyou veryvery much(:

So to "celebrate" the return of my camera,
these are the pictures taken during the so-called class outing 2days ago.

First, we played bowling.

(Okay, there shld be some pics here but blogger is not cooperating,
sooo.... use ur imagination okay? hehehe)

seriously sey.
like urgh!
all the time my bowling balls will either move tooo much to the lefttttt,
or tooo much to the righttttt.
So in the end i didnt earn any scores !
Only 18-20 scores ah :(
Frusfrating you knowww!!

Okay enough.
Next we played pooooool.
That time i just kpo2 and watched some of them played.

( pics here, use ur imagination again ya :D )

So overall we had fun.
Had lunch together and everyone headed home i think.
Except for Chloe, Nisa and I, we watched movieeeee.

The Haunting Connecticut

(imagine there's a picture of its poster here, hahaha okay stop it)

The moment we entered Hall 3, seriously it was very kecohh!
i still cannot forget how tried our best to sit in the middle.
all very violent sehh!

but in the end i got to sit in the middle la, hehehe!

It was a great day i have to say.(:

10:04 PM

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Today's post should have aloottt of pics.
Today's post should be a longgg happy post.

But the thing is,


Im afraid to tell her.
Im stupid coz i tell my parents first.

And korang(escapes), im not going tmr.
Seriously sorry for ditching you for idk-how-many times.

My phone is also spoilt now.
Omg why.
Am i suay or what.

Today i played bowling, pool and watch movie.
I have no mood to elaborate.

I am extremely sad.


11:10 PM

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Just now was my firstttt time going to school when it was raining.
Partially wet shoes.
Wet at the side of my worksheets.
Puddles everywhere.
And the first thing i saw before going to school was..
an earthworm at my void deck.
double urgh.
& after walking a few metres AWAY from home,
i forgotten to bring smth important.
triple urgh.

haha okay stop it.

Today school shld be a short, fun, simple, not draggy day.
But because of the NE TALK thingyy, all BZE students have to stayback till 5++pm, grr.
And i dont even understand what they were saying,
it was smth abt education/future/work/studies/etc.

waste my precious time only.

Oh and sarah sat behind me(:
haha okay no big deal.

So during the 2+hrs break, ate McD with Nisa, Amalina, Yani and Aida,
and some of my classmates.
Was fun.

*inside joke*


Lastly, whoever can make BusinessFund be my favourite subject,
i swear i will give that person the biggest present ever.


10:14 PM

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Heyyyyyyyy people.
So my internet connection was being an attention seekerrrr uurgh irritating piece of faecesss!

okayy. -__-

So first and foremost i would like to:



Wish my brother HAPPY BIRTHDAYYYYY! [this post shld be yesterday ah :( ]
Just so you know, you make my life rock-ier

So ive given him his bday present yesterday earlyy in the morning.
Which was very WRONG TIMING.
He was rushing to school and III was rushing to sch as well.
but if i didnt give him that morning then he would get the present at night.
So its like either too earlyyyy or too lateeee.
Erm, also had dinner with him and so on and so forth.
Was fun.

Okay next, whats with the makcik jual kropok (auntie selling crackers) story seh.
okay random.

Anw, i found this interesting thing longg time ago but apparently i've forgotten abt it.
And just recently i found it again somewhere and still find it interesting.

Read it:

fi yuo cna raed tihs, yuo hvae a sgtrane mnid too
Cna yuo raed tihs? Olny 55 plepoe out of 100 can.
i cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whotuit a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Azanmig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt!

Cool right?!

One day i wnat to bolg lkie taht ah.
So at laest poeple cna ecxercsie thier brain whlie reandig my bolg.

5:49 PM

Monday, July 13, 2009

"whose-eyes-are-bigger game"
Anw chloe i know i owe you alot of pics.
1 day i send you all okay :D

My whole right arm is aching right now.
Its all because of the sport activities i played with half of my classmates last Friday.
We played badminton, volleyball and basketball for hoursss.
Btw volleyball is not my kind-of-game. Chey, haha.
But seriously, I hitted it once and i could feel my hand bone cracking.
Other than that, the rest are fine.
I think we played for too long my right hand cannot stretch properly now.
Hahaha, nampaksah da lame tk exercise -.-" okay whatever hehe.

Today school was tiring but fun.
I think im beginning to hate Maths and starting to like Pro Engineering.
And btw Maths Quiz just now was Chicken McDodol.
Hahaha okay action ;)

Anyway people, may i know what is :


Because i saw it somewhere and was :O -ed, haha.
Sounds merepek only. Like wth right. -.-"

my mechanical pencil is stuck, haiz.
Somehow this reminds me of NadiahSaleh,
coz she will semangat-ly repair my pencil for me during sec sch.
Haha, thanks Nadiah.
Dah lamerr tk jumpe :(
See lah, now nobody can repair my pencil for me.

8:27 PM

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Tdy i saw Jun En in Bus-15.
He's my 2008classmate and 2009coursemate btw(:
So we talked, then i got to know that we were heading to the same destination!
He wanted to go to Eastpoint but he planned to alight at Pasir Ris then take MRT.


Padahal if he take 15 then take 5 is wayyyyyyyy nearer, 5 stops only.
so i *ehem 'teach' him the shorter route.
And he goes "WAhhhh luckily i saw you siaa!"

cute seh.
see how i make people's life easier.
hehehe :D

School was okay just now, except for business, grr!!
There was this so called 'surprise quiz' during lecture,
which was quite easy but i couldnt get the answer.
Which means its difficult.
Hahaha if you dont understand then nvm.


Its 2:18am now and i want to sleep,
before sleeping i need to brush my teeth,
but before that i need to go to the kitchen,
before going to the kitchen i have to switch on all lights in my living room.
But the problem is that im alone and i am scared of dark.

haha okay why am i telling you all this shit.

10:02 PM

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Tmr is my Wrtoral presentation.
I am not happy.
I want to exercise.
No more eating unnecessarily.

12:05 AM

Friday, July 3, 2009

Candid ahh, hehe
Guess whose house is that?? the 1st pic i mean
Today, school started at 10am and i woke up at 8am(that's early btw)
Then blablabla i reached school at 9.57pm and well, i was punctual.
And i CONFIDENTLY walked in the class like nothing happen,
"why are you so late?" was the first sentence i heard, from my teacher.
So i "huh?" at him.
Then i realised that school starts at NINE! not 10!
hahah, okay selenger abit.
But i swear yesterday i saw the timetable said 10am seh!
im serious, grrr!!
Oh anyway, i went to Expo Sale yesterday with my family
and i swearrrr we shop till we drop, especially my bro and sis and III.
was fun, really!
we spend 4hundred, gerek right. i know!
And i want to say thankyou to my sister and my dad! :D
This is not spoilt, just pampered abittt ah heh.
Erm anyhoo, today in the bus this exaggerating aunty laugh out LOUD,
while watching the just for laughs thingy.
Laugh loudly with thigh slapping summore.
she was alone btw.
And, (4th july) Happy 17th birthday Fadly!

11:34 PM

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Okay so my previous post is 100% posted by Sarah.
The title too, fyi.
hahah thanks sarah!(L)

Anyway, just now was my Business Presentation with my group members
(pictures of them at previous post btw :D)
I think we did it quite well and we were the only group that didnt receive any questions from teacher.
you know, the usual Q&A section after every presentation.
So it's either the teacher wasnt paying attention orr our presentation was too good :D

ohh and, i brought my camera that dayy to school justt for funn.
So while doing our business project, Sam decided to snap2 with my camera
and ended up, most of the pictures taken with MYYY camera is full of his pictures, grr
hahaha -.-
all nonsensical(how to spell?) pics deleted alrdy btw.
As you can see the pics taken below all anyhow snap only sehhh
no skill at all!

Anyway im printing out my lecture notes which has to be printed weeks ago,
its soo troublesomee and i hate printingg!
i want to hire a worker who can help me print my stuffs.
Anyone looking for a job?
haha -.-"

12:53 AM


12:17 AM