I know this should be posted on the 1st May itself of 2-3 days after my birthday. But i have no time to update so yea :/ Anywayyyy, my 18th birthday was AWEESOMEEE. Thanks to yani, nisa, amalina, aida and sharifah for the movie treat and the surprise birthday cake and the birthday card. Seriously unexpected. hahahhaa awwwww *touched* =) syg you guys byk2.
It was supposed to be "normal hang-out session" with them. check2 they wanted to celebrate my birthday on that Friday (1 day before the actual day). hehehe
So when we reached TM, we decided to separate so it was like... 3 of us settle down at Food Culture while another 3 went to buy the movie tickets. get it?
Then when we were about to separate.....
Me: eh! aku blm bayar tau movie ticket, brape ah? (i have not paid for the movie ticket, how much is it?)
Yani: tkpe2 kau tkya (its okay you dont have to pay)
Me: huh?!
Nisa: tkyaaa, kite bayarkan kau. (its okayy, we pay for you)
Me: HUH??!!!
Nisa: birthday kau kannn besokk! (tmr is your birthday whatt!)
Me: oohhhh...hahahaha serious???! ala korang niii..... *blush*
HAHAHHAHAHA!! heeeee -.-
Thats not all! While sitting at food culture, the 3 of them who "went to buy the movie ticket" actually bought for me cupcakes frm CoffeeBean o.O shocking i tell youuuuuuu! but i loikee. hehe
Seriously nice.
This was what we ate :/ omg.
Alright, so we went to watch our moviee, DATE NIGHT. Two thumbs up! (Y)(Y)
Okay2, actually alot more things happened after that, but im lazy to type it all out. So here are the rest of the picturessss =)
At J.CO.
Take a chill pill at J.CO =) yummehhh!!
Went to eat Secret Recipe cakes while sitting at Starbucks :s ! macam2 cake kite makan abeh bile gain weight complain HAHAHHAHAHA tsktsk.
Last but not least, the birthday card from them =)
Not forgetting other group of friends and unexpected people for the longgg birthday msges. andd thanks Ayie for the yummilicious Mad Jack treat and also the movie treat. hahahah heee =)
- (L)-
-Oh yes, not forgetting thanks dad for the new laptop, thanks big brother for the new phone, thanks big sister for the new shoe and thanks mum for the birthday kiss and everything.
okay im done :)